
march 24 1Both of my parents were born in Pennsylvania but on opposite sides of the state and in the same year . He had two older sisters and one younger.

I recall him telling us that he walked miles and miles to school in the snow and rain. I assume this was so we would not complain about the five blocks we walked. He also told us about his chores…. taking the garbage out was a terrible chore. Sounded like he walked miles and miles for that as well.

march 24 2Well, he had his comeuppance. With the onset of W.W.II, he was old enough not to be drafted but did join the Navy “for the duration” to do what he could. I recall he was offered several places to go and we all thought it amusing when his decision was to go to the Philadelphia Navy yard where he worked in the supply corps.

march 24 3We sublet our house in Mass and headed for Penn.
Our first stay was in a very small community. The house was so small there was hardly room for my parents in the living room. There were only two bedrooms, one for my parents, and Mary and I were to share the other. In that room there was a cot and a crib. I remember fighting with my sister over who would get the crib. (We were 10 and 12 years old.)

There were many children there to play with and we were happy to join them. I was fascinated by the little girls hair. It was so dark and curly and fuzzy. I wanted to pat it and see how it felt. I never even noticed the color of their skin.

After a month or so we moved into the house we would stay in during the war. It was right behind the hockey field of a Quaker school. Mary and I were enrolled in 5th and 6th grade. I have many fond memories of those two years. I think my parents worked hard to shield us from war events. Of course there was no endless  TV then to thrust it in front of us. We did listen to the radio broadcasts from the White House.

We also took a trip to see where my dad grew up. I am not sure we saw his school but it certainly was not miles and miles to walk. And the garbage came down a short driveway to its pick up point and went back up the hill empty. So much for dad’s story.

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6 Responses to Comeuppance

  1. mayawoodall says:

    Your humorous dad story is just what I needed. Thanks.

  2. It sounds like you have some great memories of growing up. I can visualize your dad telling about his long walks to school. You painted a wonderful word picture for me to share.

  3. Tam says:

    Really enjoyed this glimpse of your past. Sorry I haven’t been following you this March???? I always enjoy your posts. I like how you and your sister fought over the crib! I slept in one until I was 5–good, cozy times! I like your dad’s stories, too–so funny.

  4. Tara Smith says:

    I loved that you included the photographs – especially the one with the salute! I remember the stories my parents told about the things they endured as children, how I (at times) felt they were exaggerating…and then went on to do the same with my own children…:)

  5. jhaworthoy says:

    Your writing style is so entertaining. I wonder how many other dads have stories about the miles they walked…only to find that they ‘exaggerated’ a bit. Thanks for the fun post. Jackie

  6. luckygurl says:

    “And the garbage came down a short driveway to its pick up point and went back up the hill empty.” Aaah. But to a young child this CAN feel like miles and miles! (Just like your own five blocks to school…) Thanks for sharing this.

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