two down, four to go – weeks that is….

Two weeks and so far, holding my own, well not really. I have this “grumpy butler” (Sea) who tends to my needs .. . Well, he drives me to the grocery store where I have mastered the bulky electronic cart. He has managed to push me into several of our favorite lunch places. He will bring me my hot coffee if he is up in time, otherwise I manage to have less coffee.
I have mastered getting down three steps to the bed room and have learned to push the wheel chair which someone else is supposed to push, backwards into the bed room. I have left scratches on every door and piece of furniture in my way.
And I am counting the weeks…. two out of 6 the Dr said it would be. So- I have set myself an insane goal…. knit the purple sweater. I would pick yarn that requires a size 4 needle… but it is keeping me busy. I can push the sewing machine foot pedal with the left foot but I find when I sew, I need to get  up and about and that isn’t going to work. So I am knitting… I’ll keep you posted.IMG_2095

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3 Responses to two down, four to go – weeks that is….

  1. says:


    Your fashion sense is terrific….socks, sweater, cast and even your purplish toes are color coordinated! See you tomorrow.


  2. newtreemom says:

    Sounds like you have made a lot of progress, and to me, a non-knitter, that looks like a lot of progress on the sweater, too. I learned to crochet, but not knitting… I recently inherited my mom’s sewing machine, so getting back into sewing is my current goal.

  3. Memories. For me of when I broke my right elbow! Glad to see your purple sweater, you have a real talent . We both are visual people and it is nice to every day see progress!

    I spoke to Estelle The day before the big move to California. She said the move was speede up as she has been diagnosed with Macular degeneration. I think also Ed has some memory problems.

    Keep in touch!

    Marge Lydecker

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